
STEPS offers group sessions to meet the diverse needs of our clients. These groups include playgroups, social skills, and parent/caregiver education. Groups are developed and arranged to ensure that the children participating are working on similar or complimentary goals and are scheduled based upon the availability of staff and families interested.

Social Skills Groups

STEPS currently offers social skills groups for children ages 3-10 years old. Groups meet for 1.5 hours per week. Groups typically include between 6-10 children and are led by a BCBA. Specific skills taught during social skills are individualized to the needs of the children, ensuring that specific social areas of concern are targeted. STEPS utilizes a variety of social skills curriculum when developing each week’s lesson, ultimately creating a high quality, individualized social skills treatment package.


Playgroups run for a 10-week duration and have two components. Firstly, a playgroup is led by a BCBA to facilitate early play and social skills for children and their peers. Children in these groups are typically between the ages of 2-4 years old. The goal of these play groups is to focus on teaching young children how to play with each other. For those interested, a parent/caregiver education component is offered simultaneously by another BCBA in the format of group discussions to address common concerns and challenges experienced by our families. The goal of this component is to work with families to problem solve challenges occurring at home, while providing a safe, supportive space for our families and their children.